Refine and Optimize Salesforce Performance

At Seaport Consulting, we excel at implementing Salesforce for businesses at every stage.

Through a thorough review of your tech stack and Salesforce organization, we can determine your Salesforce platform’s current status and where you want to be in the future.

The Refinement & Optimization Process

Seaport Consulting applies a thorough, detailed process to all our custom work with your Salesforce CRM and tech stack. Through our deep dive and meticulous review, we eliminate gaps in service delivery and fill them with best-in-class service and support according to your requirements and setup:

  • icon-Set1-ProjectKickoffandRequirementsGatheringWHT

    Project Kickoff

  • RequirementsGathering

    Requirements Gathering

  • IterativeBuild

    Interative Build

  • icon-Set1-IterativeBuildandUserAcceptanceTestingWHT

    User Acceptance Testing

  • icon-Set1-TrainingandDeploymentWHT

    Training & Deployment

  • GoLiveSupport

    Post Go-Live Support

In-Depth Business and Systems Review

Our road mapping process involves a deep dive into your business and systems to understand the landscape on a broader scale. We identify what is connected to Salesforce and prioritize aspects that need enhancement. Once you are satisfied with all aspects of the plan, we proceed with improvements based on the agreed definitions, parameters, and priorities.

Initial Assessment and Goal Alignment

For companies that have been using Salesforce for a while or have experienced a difficult implementation, we assess your current state and desired outcomes. We interview your teams to understand your processes and identify areas for improvement. Our goal is always to align your objectives with your present setup, create a detailed roadmap to achieve optimal results, and recommend projects or sprints to guide you to the end stage.

Customized Services for Optimal Results

Through this collaborative approach, you gain a comprehensive view of your systems and receive customized service that ensures your Salesforce platform works efficiently and effectively to drive your business toward greater success in the present and future.



Evaluate Business Needs

  • Initial discovery
  • Business Process Review


  • Automate Manual Business Processes & Data Entry
  • Configure various time-saving features including screen flow, email and slack alerts.
  • System Integration Analysis & Review


  • Review your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and reporting needs
  • Customize reports and dashboards for your business

Optimizing Data Architecture

  • Synchronize Salesforce Data Connections
  • Building & Structuring Salesforce Architecture Design
  • Clean and simplify Salesforce data models for easy, efficient operation

Data Cleanup

  • Data cleaning recommendations
  • Mass updating, and importing

UI/UX Customization

  • Lightning interface
  • SKUID Custom UI Design

Ready to refine and optimize your Salesforce for today’s marketplace?

Make Seaport Consulting your partner and let us show you how powerful your platform can be.

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